Scholarship at Illinois State University


Scholarship at Illinois State University

Degree Type
United States
Level of Funding
Partial Funding
The Office of the Provost and the Office of International Studies and Programs offer emergency grant funds (subject to availability and application approval) up to $3,000 for international students who are unable to make full payment of their tuition due to the following
three reasons:

1. War, violence, or political unrest that destabilizes the business and economy of a student’s home country;
2. Recorded natural disaster that significantly damaged the business and economy of the area of student’s origin;
3. The death and/or severe illness of the financial provider as shown on the financial documents submitted by the student as supporting material for the I-20/DS-2019 process.

If a student’s situation meets one of these three criteria, they should submit an application package through the link below:

**Students should submit the applications as soon as the situation occurs. Students should be aware however that the emergency funds are limited and applications may not be approved if funds are depleted.

Please visit this opportunity web page for more information