Scholarship at The College of William & Mary


Scholarship at The College of William & Mary

Degree Type
United States
Level of Funding
Partial Funding
Winston Foundation for World Peace Fellowships support undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in cooperative security, conflict resolution, and disarmament. Fellows design their own projects, usually involving public education, media outreach, grassroots organizing, or another active approach to issues of cooperative security, nuclear arms control, conventional arms transfers, demilitarization, democracy building, conflict resolution, and the like. Applicants are expected to work full-time with a non-profit organization. A $300/week stipend is provided for the duration of the project, which lasts from 2-4 months. For information and application materials contact: [email protected] or write: Winston Foundation Fellowships, 2040 S Street NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20009-1157. Phone: 202-483-4215.